Transitioning from one school to another can be an anxious time for children and young people.
The Mental Health Support Team for Bradford and Craven have developed a transition booklet which may be helpful when transitioning between schools. You can access it by clicking HERE.
The Local Offer has produced a Preparation for Adulthood Prospectus. You can access it here:
Primary to secondary
We worked with a group of year 6 and year 7 children to hear their voices around transition. We asked year 6 about thoughts and worries about transition and then asked year 7 about top ten tips regarding transition.
Both groups designed a storyboard which was then transformed into an animation video. The animation video captures the voices of the children and young people.
The children then collated Ten Top Tips to share with others that were transitioning from Primary to Secondary School. We used these to develop our Transition Booklet. You can download the booklet below, or you can contact us, and we will send you a paper copy free of charge!
Year 6 Transition Booklet
Secondary to post-16
We worked with a group of year 11 and post-16 students to hear their voices around transition. We asked year 11 about thoughts and worries about transition and then asked college students about top tips regarding transition.
The young people then collated Ten Top Tips to share with others that were transitioning from Secondary School to Post 16. We used these to develop our Transition Booklet. You can download the booklet below, or you can contact us, and we will send you a paper copy free of charge!
Year 11 Transition Booklet
Below you can download some travel cards that you can use to show the driver on public transport that you may need a little more help if you would rather not ask out loud. You find out more about these by clicking HERE.
Travel Cards
Both groups designed a storyboard which was then transformed into an animation video. The animation video captures the voices of the children and young people.
The animation videos are below: