Telephone: 0333 323 8003
You can contact our team on the above number and leave your details, you will receive a call back from one of the team who will give you advice or information over the phone and decide if you meet the criteria for a caseworker.
Leave a Message
Alternatively, you can contact us by leaving a message using the 'leave a message' function at the bottom right hand corner on this page.
You can leave your contact details via this function details and ask for a call back from our team.
*please note - we are currently experiencing a high demand for support and will respond to you as soon as we can.
Parent carers can also visit the contact helpline via their website at or call the free helpline number on 0800 808 3555 between 9.30 am – 5pm Monday to Friday or by email at
You may also want to contact the Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (IPSEA) via their website at